GraphQL vs. REST: A Simplified Overview

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Hamad K

Aug 12, Mon

GraphQL and REST are two popular technologies used to exchange data over the internet. While both serve a similar purpose, they have distinct characteristics and use cases,

What Are They?

  • REST (Representational State Transfer): This is a standard method for client applications to communicate with servers using HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. It focuses on resources, where each resource is identified by a URL.

  • GraphQL: Developed by Facebook in 2012, GraphQL is an API query language that allows clients to request exactly the data they need in a single query. It simplifies data retrieval by letting you ask for just the data you need, rather than fetching entire datasets.


  1. Data Exchange: Both GraphQL and REST are used to exchange data between clients and servers.
  2. Client-Server Model: They operate on a client-server model where the client sends requests and the server responds with data.
  3. Stateless Communication: Neither keeps track of previous requests. Each request is independent.
  4. HTTP-Based: Both use HTTP as the communication protocol.
  5. Data Formats: They commonly use JSON for data interchange, though other formats like XML are also supported.
  6. Caching: Both support caching to improve performance and reduce the load on servers.

Key Differences

  • Data Retrieval:

    • REST: Retrieves entire datasets, which might include unnecessary data.
    • GraphQL: Allows clients to request only the data they need, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching issues.

  • Request Methods:

    • REST: Uses HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to perform operations.
    • GraphQL: Uses queries for fetching data, mutations for modifying data, and subscriptions for real-time updates.

  • Schema:

    • REST: Does not require a server-side schema, but it can be optional.
    • GraphQL: Requires a schema to define the data structure and available operations, making it easier to manage and understand.

  • Versioning:

    • REST: Often involves versioning (e.g., /api/v1/resource) which can lead to maintenance challenges.
    • GraphQL: Avoids versioning by maintaining backward compatibility; deprecated fields are flagged as warnings.

  • Type Safety:

    • REST: Weakly typed, meaning errors might not be detected until runtime.
    • GraphQL: Strongly typed, allowing for better error handling and validation at the schema level.

When to Use Each

  • Use GraphQL (if)

    • You need to minimize the number of requests.
    • You have multiple data sources that need to be combined.
    • Your client requests vary significantly in terms of data requirements.

  • Use REST (if)

    • You’re working with simpler applications and data.
    • The data and operations are used uniformly across clients.
    • You don’t need complex querying capabilities.

In some cases, combining both GraphQL and REST within the same application can be beneficial, leveraging the strengths of each where they fit best.

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